When people pull you down
as they often will
When the battle you're fighting
seems all uphill
When the funds are low
and the debts are high
When you're laughing
although you'd rather cry
When you feel yourself
slowing down a bit...
Take a deep breath,
Success is failure
The silver lining
of the clouds of doubt
You never can tell
how close you are
It may be near
when it seems afar
So stick to the fight
when you're hardest hit
It's when things go wrong
that you mustn't quit
WE WON'T QUIT!!!!!!! | |
The Last Pearl
By Soror Dionne Daisey Williford
"Oh Vivian dear, Come over here, My Goodness it's been a while" And Vivian thought, how nice it was to see Cubena smile. She felt as if she were walking in some strange and distant place, As Mary Lou and Bessie, Kissed her on her startled face. "Hey Viv' , you always were the last", joked Nannie from her chair. And then Hattie rose to greet her, "We've been watching you down there" And Dorothy with her perfect smile reached out to hold her too "We're happy that you're here with us...we've been waiting here for you, Hurry now, and look your best...to an induction we must go! You've joined our chapter once again, The great Omega Rho.." And Vivian looked at all of their faces, and she knew she was young once again. And a smile as bright as the brightest smile, she gave to her old friends. "I'm ready" she said. As they linked arms, and walked past the great golden wall, And joy filled her soul with every step,
As she answered the last Sigma Call.